13th International Symposium on High Current Electronics (2004)
- Status on the Sphinx Generator Based on 1 Microsecond Current Risetime LTD Stages
Ch. Mangeant, B. Roques, R. Cadiergues, F. Lassalle, F. Bayol, J.P. Bedoch, J.L. Boyer, J.F. Cambonie, Y. Cazal, T. Chanconie, P. Combes, J.M. Delchie, R. Lample, S. Laspalles, A. Morell, S. Ritter, G. Rodriguez, L. Saule, J.C. Thomas - RITS-6, A 10-MV Inductive Voltage Adder Accelerator
David L Johnson, Robert Altes, Vernon Bailey, Patrick Corcoran, Ian Smith, Steve Cordova, Fawn Griffin, Kelly Hahn, Deanna Jaramillo, John Maenchen, Isidro Molina, Salvadore Portillo, Elizabeth Puetz, Matt Sceiford, David Van De Valde, David Rose, Bryan Oliver, Dale Welch, Dennis Barker, Darryl Droemer, Ray Gignac, Frank Wilkins, and Bradley Shelton - Investigation of a High-Pressure Spark Gap in the Regime of Subnanosecond Current Rise Times
N.M. Bykov, S.D. Korovin, Yu.D. Korolev - High Current Electron Accelerators for Excimer Lasers
E.N. Abdullin - Influence of Surface Roughness on the Pulsed Breakdown Strength of RexoliteR
J. Mankowski, K. Truman, D. Wetz, and M. Kristiansen - About Increase of the Specific Energy Characteristics and Lifetime of High-voltage Pulse Capacitors
I.S. Shvets, I.Yu. Grebennikov, V.I. Gunko, A.Ya. Dmitrishin, L.I. Onishchenko - On Pulsed Electric Strength of Gaps with Broad-Area Stainless-Steel Electrodes in Vacuum
A.V. Batrakov, D.J. Johnson, and D.I. Proskurovsky - 100 GW Fast LTD Stage
A.A. Kim, A.N. Bastrikov, S.N. Volkov, V.G. Durakov, B.M. Kovalchuk, V.A. Sinebryukhov - A Compact High Current Generator for X-Ray Radiography
A.V. Kharlov, B.M. Kovalchuk, and V.B. Zorin - Compact Electron Accelerator for Gas Lasers Pump
E.N. Abdullin, N.G. Ivanov, V.F. Losev, and I.Yu. Turchanovsky - Formation of Nano- and Subnanosecond Width High-PRF Powerful Voltage Pulses by Using a Hybrid Modulator Schemes
M.I. Yalandin, S.K. Luybutin, S.N. Rukin, S.A. Shunailov, V.G. Shpak, and B.G. Slovikovsky - An All-Solid-State Pulsed Power Generator for Non-Thermal Plasma Discharge Applications
Kefu Liu, Jiang Qiu, Houxiu Xiao, Qiong Hu, Shengguo Xia - Comparative Analysis of Three Power Amplification Schemes for Multi-MA Drivers Based on Microsecond Inductive Energy Storage
D. Huet, F. Lassallẹ, A. Chuvatin - Device for Generation of Megaampere Current Pulses with a 10 -7 s Rise Time in Radiating Load of the GIT 12 Generator
V.A. Kokshenev, F.I. Fursov, and N.E. Kurmaev - Investigation of the POS Characteristics in Several Schemes Delivering MA Current Pulses to Low Impedance Loads on GIT12
V.A. Kokchenev, F.I. Fursov, and N.E. Kurmaev - Study of a Plasma Opening Switch in Current Switching to a Coaxial Line with Short-Circuited and Open-Circuited Central Conductors
€ .€ . Zherlitsyn - Gap Formation in Microsecond Megaampere Plasma Opening Switches
S.V. Loginov - Determination of the Parameters of Opening Switches with Axial Plasma Injection
S.V. Loginov - On the Plasma Opening Switch Peak Voltage
S.V. Loginov - Optoelectronic Switching in Natural Diamond with UV Triggering
E.I. Lipatov, A.N. Panchenko, V.F. Tarasenko, J. Thompson, M. Krishnan - Influence of Cathode and Anode Surface Contaminants on Pulsed Electrical Breakdown of Broad-Area Gaps in Vacuum
A.V. Batrakov, D.J. Johnson, S.A. Onischenko, and D.I. Proskurovsky - High Voltage Pulse Capacitors for High Current Pulse Generators
A.V. Saushkin, N.A. Ratakhin, V.F. Feduschak, N.V. Zharova - Submicrosecond Pulsed High-Power Transformer Magnetic Cores
V.A. Vizir, A.D. Maksimenko, V.I. Manylov, G.V. Smorudov - The Multichanel High Current Pulsed Generator with Transformer Coupling Load
Yu.V. Andriyanov, E.V. Grabovskiy, B.A. Garilevich - Scintillation Detectors in the Nuclear and Electromagnetic Radiations Powerful Pulsed Fields
V.M. Bystritsky, G.N. Dudkin, V.V. Gerasimov, R.V. Kublikov, B.A. Nechaev, V.M. Padalko, S.S. Parzhitski, V.S. Smirnov, V.A. Stolupin, J. Wozniak - Complex for Automation System for High-Current Generator MIG
€.€. Erfort, N.A. Ratakhin, V.F. Feduschak
7th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows (2004)