13th International Symposium on High Current Electronics (2004)
7th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows (2004)
- Status of Research on Deposition of Superconducting Films for RF Accelerating Cavities
J. Langner, L. Catani, A. Cianchi, K. Czaus, R. Mirowski, R. Russo, M.J. Sadowski, S. Tazzari, F. Tazzioli, D. Proch, Y.H. Akhmadeev, N.N. Koval - Formation of Wear-Resistant TiN and (Ti1-x, Alx)N Coatings Using DC Filtered Vacuum Arc Plasma
A.I. Ryabchikov, N.N. Koval, I.B. Stepanov, I.M. Goncharenko, D.O. Sivin, I.A. Ryabchikov, I.A. Shulepov - Properties of Nanolayered Carbon Films Deposited by Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
K.V. Oskomov, S.V. Rabotkin, N.S. Sochugov, A.A. Soloviev - Heat-Reflecting (Oxide-Metal-Oxide) Coating Technology Based on Magnetron Sputtering Method
O.S. Kuzmin, L.G. Kositsin, V.N. Lihachev, A.N. Padusenko, A.V. Pokushalov - Structure and Properties of Hybrid Coatings
A.D. Pogrebnjak, Yu.A. Kravchenko,V.V. Vasilyuk, Yu.N. Tyurin, D.L. Alontseva, Sh.M. Ruzimov, V.V. Ponaryadov - Temperature Effect and Ionic-Beam Treatment on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystal Intermetallic Coatings on the Basis of Ni-Al
M.V. Fedorischeva, V.P. Sergeev, A.V. Voronov, O.V. Sergeev, N.A. Popova, E.V. Kozlov - TiN and WC Coatings Prepared by Pulsed High Energy Density Plasma
Y.F. Liu, W.R. Feng, G.L. Zhang, J.L. Wang, G.L. Chen, S.Z. Yang - Research of Phase Structure of Multilayered Vacuum-Plasma Coatings of System Ti-C-Si
V.V. Budilov, S.R. Shehtman, N.€. Suchova - Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystal Coatings on Basis of Titanium Carbide-Nitride
V.P. Sergeev, M.V. Fedorisheva, A.V. Voronov, O.V. Sergeev - Carbon Film Deposition in Hydrocarbon Plasma Produced by Ribbon Electron Beam at Fore-Pump Pressure
V. Burdovitsin, M. Fedorov, E. Oks - A Plasma System for Low-Emissive Coating Deposition
P.S. Ananyin, O.Kh. Asainov, D.D. Bainov, G.A. Bleikher, V.V. Zhukov, A.A. Zorkalcev, V.P. Krivobokov, L.G. Kosicin, V.N. Legostayev, S.V. Merkulov, M.N. Mikhailov, M.A. Nechaev, T.G. Noskova, O.V. Paschenko, A.G. Puzyrevich, S.P. Umnov, S.V. Yudakov, S.N. Yanin - Combined Ionic Implantaion and Vacuum Placma Surface Modification of Titanium and Steel Steam Turbine Blades to Provide Service Properties
M.K. Smyslova - Structure and Properties of Boride Layers Produced by Electron Beam in Vacuum
N.N. Smirnyagina, A.P. Semenov - TiAlN Film Synthesis by Condensation Separate Titanium and Aluminium Plasma Flows
V.S. Taran, V.I. Tereshin, A.I. Timoshenko, O.G. Chechel'nitskij, A.P. Kryshtal' - Research of Protective Properties of Microplasma Coatings
P.I. Butyagin, Ye.V. Khokhryakov and A.I. Mamaev - Chemical Structure and Characteristics of Films Deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate Surfaces in Plasma
A.M. Lyakhovich, A.E. Muravyev and M.A. Shirobokov - Investigation of Light Source Wall Cleaning Methods by Means of HF Plasma1
A. Skudra, G. Revalde, N. Denisova - Mechanical Properties of Titanium Films Deposited by Pulsed High-Power Ion Beams
V.K. Struts, V.M. Matvienko, A.V. Petrov, A.I. Ryabchikov, A.S. Shlapakovski - Correlation between Hardness, Internal Stresses and Elasticity Modulus in Diamond Like Coatings (DLCs)
I.Sh. Trakhtenberg, V.A. Yugov, A.B.Vladimirov, A.P. Rubstein, A.G. Gontar, C.N. Dub - Optimization of ZnO:Al Film Deposition Process by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Zn:Al Target
S.V. Rabotkin, K.V. Oskomov, N.S. Sochugov - Transparent Protecting Film Deposited Using the Method of Ion-Plasma Deposition in Low Pressure Arc Discharge
S.V. Grigoriev, I. M. Goncharenko, Y.F. Ivanov, N.N. Koval, I.V. Lopatin, K. Uemura, P.M. Schanin - Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Films by Unbalanced Magnetron Method in Ar/CH4 Gas Mixture
D.A. Golosov, I.V. Svadkovski, S.M. Zavadski, A.P. Dostanko - Ion-plasma Assisted Influence on Composite Coatings Deposition by Magnetron Sputtering
V.M. Savostikov, D.P. Borisov, E.V. Gromyshev, U.P. Pinzhyn